Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Too Good To Be True

Do you ever think that things are too good to be true? I do. Wonderful family. Handsome, dashing, and loving husband. Beautiful, smart, sassy, and tender children. Incredible parents. Crazy creative and amusing brothers. Health. A job (s). Enough money to provide for our family, eat good food, and have enough fun to keep ourselves entertained and refreshed. Brilliant friends. Lots of friends. Lots of different kinds of friends.

I'm not afraid of very many things. I get afraid when the good things run circles around the bad. Those moments when I realize that I have most of the things that want out of life terrify me. It makes me think one of two things: either bad things innevitably must start to happen, or that I am off track and doing a poor job of making wishes. Either way I am in the doghouse. I have never thought that bad things wouldn't happen to me, rather I am of the opinion that I don't have any exemptions.

I'm not saying that things are perfect. Just nearly, and only prayers can take care of the remainder.

I'm enjoying it. My kids are little and love me. My husband makes me smile. I feel loved by many people. I feel alive, and happy. And I know that it doesn't last always or forever, so I am grateful now for what I have, and think I have gotten pretty good at looking past all the vast oceans of things I don't.

No point really, other than to say thanks to those of you who make me happy.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Today at school, the LG learned about jobs. He told me that all work is boring, and dad, particularly, works in a really boring building. So, to appear more interesting to his friends, he made up a "secret" (i.e. lie) that dad works at a grocery store. He thought that would make it more exciting.

This past weekend, as we were leaving Grandma's we were backing out and saying our farewells in Spanish: Grandma: "Adios" Me: "Hasta manana, I mean hasta luego" LG: "Hasta my Lego Grandma!" Indeed.