So he isn't going to be a superhero. It's still a really long list, so I guess I don't have to give up my dreams of him winning the Heisman and World Cup, conducting the Philadelphia Philharmonic, discovering the cure for AIDS, winning a Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating a successful resolution between Israel and Palestine, and building the first Fortune 500 company built solely on "green" products and least not yet. Oh, I forgot to mention the 10 languages he will speak.
It looks as though instead of pursuing a career flying through the friendly skies, he is more interested in becoming a Ninja. Honestly, I just don't know what he is thinking (especially since he can't talk yet). I just can't bring myself to buy the proper bamboo staff. As you can see below, he is using anything he can find to train himself. I know that at 11 months I should just be thrilled that he has engrossed himself so thoroughly in anything, but I just can't let go of the cape.