Thursday, October 11, 2007

Superhero Training Take #2

Having conquered pushups, situps, and squats, we are moving onto flying. Ambitious you ask? Not at all. Simply a natural progression in any superhero's training regiment. All it takes is a little bit of speed, a cape and sheer will power. Nothing a 10 month old superhero in training isn't capable of. So to hasten the process, I purchased the best in training technology. The contraption provides stability and a handlebar to keep the user from flying into the ceiling - you know, keeping him a bit closer to the ground where he can be supervised.

(Sorry for my incompetence in turning the video around the right way, and not figuring out how to shut the sound off.)

Now, I will tell you that I am not super impressed by the results. There have been numerous attempts at flight. Plenty of speed. The backwards bib should suffice for the cape, and I have seen his tantrums - no question of will power - but each time it looks as though he might just take off, he flies...right into the ground. Depending on how closely I am supervising, this event can often be followed by shrieking, bruises, and once a bleeding lip.

In fact, rather than using it to fly, it appears as though he is using it to walk. He seems to enjoy this a lot more than the flying. Plus, he doesn't really like the cape - as you can see from his "bare" bones approach to clothing. Even the underpants would be optional if it were up to him. He likes the walking so much in fact, that he doesn't even think he needs the contraption. I have advised him otherwise, but he insists. Walking on his own already. Quite absurd, but perhaps I do need to revise the training curriculum to more accurately fit his super strengths and interests. Looks like I need to return the blue tights, red cape and gold belt along with the defunct contraption. That's what I get for shopping on the internet.


Anonymous said...

Funny, funny.

Al said...

That video is really cute. He's getting so big! I can't remember if I gave you hill's blog site:

Anne said...

Hahaha! Jackson is super cute but fix the camera next time!