Thursday, September 10, 2009


We blessed the TP on the last Sunday in August. It was so nice to have all 4 of my brothers there, and fun to have all the family (sans Elder and Sister missionaries and my sister and her fam). The LG was up to his usual antics, devouring half of the Better-Than-Sex cake with his cousin right before everyone was to walk out the door. I must give credit where due, however, and mention that they were at least considerate enough to get most of it in their mouths and not on their clothes.

I also really wanted my brother to photoshop my bangs into place on that first photo, but in his laziness the quick job resulted in me looking like part of a toupee had dropped from the sky and landed on my forehead. So much for his mad photoshop skills.

In other news, the TP slept through the night last night after throwing an expected tantrum for about 2 hours the previous 2 nights. I am a stickler for weaning them from that 3am feeding as soon as the experts say they won't starve. It's amazing how different children can be at even 3 months. The LG only cried for 20 minutes one night and then we were done. The TP's fits put him to shame. (That said, I realize many parents have a much harder/longer time in dealing with this. I hope I never have to understand. Just don't start sending hate mail!)

Lastly, the LG is as amusing as ever, keeping us laughing in those precious and few moments between our impatience, his craziness, and time outs. A few LGisms for your amusement:

After waking from a nap, he rambles up the stairs to exclaim, "Mom, the monsters are coming, they're going to eat my bum."

"Hurry mom, there's no time to lose", he says as he punctures holes with a pen in a cardboard box.

After asking my brother to go pick up a box of books at the neighbors' house, I see that the LG is sneaking out the door. As I impatiently question what he is doing he replies, "I have to go mom, I'm going to get the books at Marilyn's." Ahhh, mommy's little helper.

Finally, perhaps the most amusing thing he has done all summer (so far) was when he was playing Hide Seek and Destroy (thanks for teaching them this one Uncle M - you know who you are) with his 5-year old cousin. Big R (cousin) kept trying to get the LG to drop to the ground when he received a fatal blow indicated by machine gun noises and a croquet mallet that was pointed his direction. The LG wasn't really going along/paying attention/interested, much to Big R's dismay. In an effort to demonstrate, the Big R tells the LG to shoot him (the LG was suddenly paying attention). As Big R is laying there, dead, with both eyes closed, the LG slowly raised his mallet over head head and planted it smack down in the Big R's man part. You may think I am so cruel for laughing, but it was one of those moments where all the adults knew exactly what was coming, but were unable to either stop the event or stop lauging. It took a few seconds for me to compose myself enough to put the smack down myself (minus the smacking becuase not even I can see the logic behind that response in this case). Sorry Big R, he'll outgrow this someday, right?

One more thing...These are the passport pics for our kids. Yes, we were planning to use them to move to China. We were one email away from doing it. Who knows, maybe in January. Until then, we plan to use them to take the kids to Canada next month. Thanks Homeland Security for giving us a good use for a passport for a 3 month old ; )


LeeAnne said...

Oh my goodness... I really needed that laugh :) {yes I laughed out loud at LG's mallet smack-down. I don't think anyone can help it!}

JLJ said...

Those are the most beautiful passport pics I've ever seen. There aren't many infants or toddlers with a passport! China, would be exciting - but scary (for me) with kids. You've lived there, so I guess you'd know better.

I didn't even notice the bangs until you pointed them out. And they aren't that bad, but much better in the last picture. You look fabulous, by the way.

MegaPPod said...

I should acknowledge that the photos were taken by my brother who is semi profesh, at the very least he has a VERY nice camera, with lights. Oh, yeah, gotta use the lights for passport photos. Better than Kinkos, eh?

Jami said...

Oh my goodness. TP is growing so fast. She looks so big from the last time I saw her.

You look fantastic. I would have never even noticed the bangs.

Mandy said...

I really hate it when the monsters eat my bum.

Love the pics.

Jaime said...

Those pictures of the kids are priceless. I love TP's expression. J, she is gorgeous! You two produce some beautiful kids.

I also love the family pictures from TP's blessing day. You all look happy, healthy, and beautiful.

China? What the...fill us in here.

Creighton said...

Jenn - thank you for calling the cake by its real name; better-than-sex cake. When I first came to Utah I could not figure out what better-than-seminary cake was. Until I ate it, declared its real name, and was met with shocked looks of people who could not believe I would say such things. I didn't name it!

virg said...

Okay, can you be any more beautiful are your kids any more cute!!?