That said, it ended up being a very nice and quiet Christmas at our house (as quiet as things ever are around here - in part because the LG ended up sick which means he actually laid around with us on the couch for a few hours ; ). A couple of images of our Christmas celebration follow.
Here is the LG playing with the nativity that Grandma sent in response to my complaining about the kids not leaving my nice nativity alone. When she said she was sending a nativity the kids could play with, I was thinking plastic, not clay so the heads and other body parts could pop/shatter/break. That's okay though, the kids still had a great time. As you can see, the LG set up shop in his fire station, while the TP just carried around baby Jesus in his manger sqwuaking, "baby, baby". She seemed content with this unfair division of assets (there were about 10 pieces), and so did the LG, so who am I to point out the inequity of their sharing arrangement?
This should give you a good idea of the weather around here in December. It also demonstrates the havoc 2 children and a negligent BK (he failed to water anything when I was on vacation with the kids in UT) can wreak on a beautiful patio garden (okay, so it was never that beautiful). Where once grew a few legitimate plants, we now have a "dirt" box, a garden hat, and 2 race cars. Not a bad trade from the kids' perspective. Or the BK's apparently as he was amused enough to take pictures rather than send them both to time out in the tub.
Before I say anything about the Church Christmas Party, just let me say, "Please, Lord, please, never again!" Seriously, not my cup of tea. That said, I think it went pretty well. It was sort of an out of body experience. The kind where you know you were there, but don't really remember much of what was going on. You can catch a glimpse of what it looked like, as well as my children having the time of their lives running with free reign in a large gym. I'm pretty sure the experience rivaled that of Christmas morning. As for me, I was just glad it was all over.
The LG got to be Rudolph for the Christmas festivities at preschool. His nose was red for 3 days as he wouldn't let me wash it off.
An example of why it was time the TP got some "girl toys" as the LG put it when he saw her toys at Christmas. Poor thing is often dressed in the LG's hand-me-downs like his red airplane jammies and green hoodie, and daddies shoes. She even makes flying airplane noises, and calls all little people "guys". Yup, time for some girl toys around here.
Christmas Eve preview: pajamas and books to make sure the kids slept well while Santa was at work.
Shock-and-Awe of Christmas morning.
Little momma in her new little kitchen.
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!! We love you all (you know who you are ; )
Sounds like you are doing okay there in Texas. I have missed playing soccer with you. I love your taste in the kitchen for the TP. We did that for Christmas last year and it still looks as good as it did then, but the three of our have played with it for hours!! The LG will love it too.
So glad you had a nice Christmas. It was fun to see the cute pictures of the kids. Loved Rudolph's red nose and darling TP's efforts in the kitchen. We miss not having you here so your post is much appreciated and reminded all of us of how very much you are all loved.
Best thing the church did was to get rid of the activities committee... but apparently not in time to get you off the hook! What a stress to add to Christmas! You have my full sympathies having "been there, done that."
I don't know why, but your last four posts never showed up until now.... but I really enjoyed reading over them. Wow, I didn't know the BK was running marathons! That is cool. And I loved the LG's stories. Especially loved the image of your horror as he 'performed' in your ward's Christmas program.
I saw your mom and brother at McD's in Logan. It was great to see them. Happy new year!
I missed your fancy touches too! I would have loved to have you help me decorate! That post about LG Cracked me up!! If I could, I'd probably say "I don't understand you" to half the things they talk about in Sunday School:) I hope things are good for you this next year. Sure love to read your posts:)
I just can't get over how cute your kids are! I love the look on the TP's face on Christmas morning :). What a cutie! I'm glad your Christmas party ended up well. Thanks for all the pictures!
Nice photos! Your blog is impressive.
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