Saturday, May 18, 2013

Small Moments

Not long ago, I listened to one of the most touching stories I have ever heard. By touching, I mean something that actually changed my life and changed the way I look at my life. The amazing woman telling the story lost a newborn child a year prior, and related her experience. I can't imagine the pain that would come with carrying and delivering a full-term baby only to realize that you would never really get to know the tiny life you had been growing to love over the last 9 months.  But her story was not about the grief or pain, but of the peace she felt as she held the tiny baby in her arms and felt the last breath leave his tiny body. She said that in that moment she was overcome with the love of her Heavenly Father, His love for her, and His love for that baby. She said she felt God gave her a gift in that moment by helping her to more fully understand His plan, His understanding of time, and that this experience, and ultimately her life was just one small moment.

Listening to her story, I felt I was also given my own gift that has changed my perspective in ways I needed desperately at the time, and continue to rely on heavily to more fully accept and enjoy my role as a mother. Being a mother is hard for me. My children challenge me in ways I never thought possible. I struggle to enjoy days filled with endless requests, whining, crying, arguing, housework, laundry, homework, chauffeuring, and ultimately emotional situations I rarely feel mature or energetic enough to handle. This is not a struggle that is mine alone. I know that motherhood is the greatest challenge many women will ever encounter, and I know that any and all of these feelings plague every mother, it's just a matter of degrees.

I, also, was given peace and understanding, and it filled me with hope and a happiness I hadn't felt in a long time. I felt loved by my Heavenly Father, relieved of the burdens I had been carrying, and I suddenly understood two things about small moments. The first is that every trial is "small" in relation to the peace that we can find through God. They do not last forever, and they are small in God's infinite wisdom. Knowing that God loves me, and feeling that very strongly every now and then is enough in and of itself to keep me going during the worst life can throw at me.

The second thing I came to understand is that small moments end. This means that I can rely on that peace to get me through until things are better whether that is minutes, hours or years from now. It is a reminder that messes get cleaned up, tantrums end, sleep comes eventually (even if it is years later), and my temper will cool if I hide in the bathroom long enough. I just have to keep it together long enough for the things that drive me crazy to pass (easier said than done, but emotionally it has really helped me to make the mental connection that most things I struggle with are VERY temporary).

The other insight I was given is that these small moments end. You might think this is exactly what I said above, but it isn't. This is the downside of small moments ending. One of my babies is already in school, the others are headed there quickly. My days are filled with plenty of moments that I wish would end, but each and every moment is one small chance that I have to let my kids know that I like them, love them, and think they are amazing (even if they are in serious trouble). I will never get those chances back, and every one counts. So even though they are small, they still matter.

I chose to be a mother. My children choose to love me, and provide me with opportunities every day to be a better person, be more patient, be more kind, be more present, and be more aware of what really matters. I fail to make the most out of these opportunities on a regular basis, but the understanding that every moment is small in multiple ways gives me the perspective I need to fail less, succeed more, and find more joy in my life every day.


JLJ said...

It is so hard. I think about and struggle with these thoughts and feelings too. Really loving the children that I love. Feeling like a failure and inadequate almost all of the time but wanting to love this time of life. I had a profound moment of my own recently that taught me and is helping me right now. I was praying about some issues I've been frustrated with about #3 and I was given this image of #3 as a grown woman in serious trouble, struggling and totally unhappy. It took my breath away in its sadness and how helpless I was to help. Initially it freaked me out, thinking it was a warning of the future or something. But the more I thought about it, I realized it was to teach me to be grateful that the struggles I am dealing with now are so small. They can be fixed with hugs and I'm sorries and extra stories. Compared with that sad image of the future, my frustrations are small and manageable.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experience. God bless you!!

MegaPPod said...

JLJ - I am totally with you. This motherhood thing is an ongoing struggle with my happiness being so tied to theirs, and realizing that like your dream, you can only do so much to influence their happiness. It is a tough lesson to learn, but also comforting that as long as you are doing everything you can - including a lot of praying, that is all you really can do. God bless you too! Good luck with #3.

Unknown said...

Thank you. You stated everything so perfectly. I was trying to understand why motherhood is at times so hard. It challenges each of us in ways we could never have comprehended before. Just the other day I got one of those warnings/well wishes whatever you want to call it from a parent (this time a father) who told me to enjoy it when they're little because they grow up so fast and you miss those times. I told him he could come over and do sleep training. I was joking, but it's sometimes so hard to enjoy these moments when every day we are tested and pulled to every emotional extreme. Thanks again. Such a lovely post!

Candace said...

Thanks for taking time to write this, as I needed to read it. I'm so tired of watching myself fail at being joyful as a mom. Joyful does not mean happy all the time, but I think at least I can keep the small moments, as you noted, in perspective and make the most of them. There's joy that rises out of doing that, right? xo-ckg

LeeAnne said...

Thank you for sharing, your thoughts really hit home for me.

Melanie said...

I loved your thoughts and also can relate. I got a wonderful card from my thoughtful mother in law for mother's day and I know you would love this!
We now during dinner share a few drops of awesome during the day...It helps with those feelings of inadequacy and guilt that plague every mother I know!
I love you and your family!!

Melanie said...

I loved your thoughts and also can relate. I got a wonderful card from my thoughtful mother in law for mother's day and I know you would love this!
We now during dinner share a few drops of awesome during the day...It helps with those feelings of inadequacy and guilt that plague every mother I know!
I love you and your family!!