Saturday, October 27, 2007

Letting Go of the Cape

I realize the LG is pretty young to give up on anything, but perhaps it is time that I, as his mother, stop pushing him into things he is not interested in. The cape just isn't sticking. I am sure this is just the beginning of the unending disappointment I will experience when the qualities I envisioned in the perfect child when he was still in the womb are picked off my master list one by one until I am left with nothing, NOTHING!

So he isn't going to be a superhero. It's still a really long list, so I guess I don't have to give up my dreams of him winning the Heisman and World Cup, conducting the Philadelphia Philharmonic, discovering the cure for AIDS, winning a Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating a successful resolution between Israel and Palestine, and building the first Fortune 500 company built solely on "green" products and least not yet. Oh, I forgot to mention the 10 languages he will speak.

It looks as though instead of pursuing a career flying through the friendly skies, he is more interested in becoming a Ninja. Honestly, I just don't know what he is thinking (especially since he can't talk yet). I just can't bring myself to buy the proper bamboo staff. As you can see below, he is using anything he can find to train himself. I know that at 11 months I should just be thrilled that he has engrossed himself so thoroughly in anything, but I just can't let go of the cape.


Matt D said...

Jackson doesn't look old enough to be walking, but there he is pulling some sweet ninja moves on his feet. Also, who painted that painting in the background? It's pretty cool. One more thing, is it true about Portland. If so, that is also pretty cool.

jordan said...

I can't get over how cute that chubby little guy is!

JLJ said...

Don't give up on him yet. He's still got a good 5 months before his destiny is sealed.

Anne said...

what was he for halloween? you should have forced him to go as Donatello... as in the ninja turtle.