Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Pumpkin Man

Crazy week. That's what it has been around here. We were in NYC for 2 days with the LG. I tell you what - I love NYC, but not with a stroller, which by the way, is NOT a Maclaren, something I hadn't ever thought too much about until our little visit to the big apple where every stroller pushing nanny (didn't see to many people who were the same color as the kids) was pushing the finest in toddler transportation. The LG and I had a great time for a couple hours at the Natural History Museum as you can see below. I particularly like the look on his face - it reminds me of a photo my mom took of me years back in NYC when she was trying to get us to smile after being dragged from one tourist destination to another (love you mom ; )

After our train arrived back in DC 45 minutes late around midnight on Friday, we got home and to bed around 1am. Up at 6:30 with the LG. Cleaning and packing all day before leaving on an evening flight for a quick weekend in Portland without the LG. This was the first time leaving him for more than one night (and that one night was with my mom). I am not really a worrier, or super mushy about many things, but I missed the LG, and worried, and couldn't wait until those 48 hours of freedom were over and those little Michelin arms around my neck.

Lest you think I am getting too mushy, let me get on my soapbox for a minute. This woman sitting next to me on the flight back, had this bag with a picture looking something like this, except that it said, "Anti-War, Pro-Kittens". Okay, aside from all of the creepy images I had of her stowing like 50 kittens in that bag, COME ON. Seriously. I don't even know how to respond to the stupidity of this statement. Since I don't know where to start, I won't, but let me just say that in my quest to find a picture to illustrate, I discovered that there is a whole movement dedicated to this asinine cause. The only thing keeping me laughing is that this picture makes me think of them dropping kittens instead of bombs, and our enemies being so perplexed by this strange change in tactic, that they actually run screaming for their lives. Kittens. Come on.

Back to the real reason for this post - I wanted to share a fabulous pic of the LG with his first "Jack" O' Lantern. Check out the Michelins, and all those teeth. As you can see, he is very proud of that orange gourd.


jordan said...

Jackson is just so adorable! he always reminds me of ryder, and do you remember how much ryder loved the smithsonian?
really, kids and museums don't mix.

JLJ said...

Make kittens, not war.

Cute pumpkin man. Has he sunk his teeth into the orange skin yet? Those are perfect vampire marks.

Matt D said...

I say kittens AND bombs.