Monday, December 10, 2007


(ahhh, if only it were so glamorous)

Happy holidays to me (this is a mental reminder to myself - please disregard). Today I made a completely fatal attempt to take the LG shopping in my new town. My list was pretty simple (paper, envelopes, gift for the big Kahuna, and mittens for little Kahuna (LG)). I did my research ahead of time, brought the addresses to plug into our GPS (a perfect early x-mas gift for people new to strange and distant lands - thanks mom!), and even brought my list. This should have been a recipe for success.

Not so. Apparently, LG's mitts are too colossal to fit in most mittens - not most mittens for his age, I mean MOST mittens designed for children 3 and under, so I had to go with the first ugly pair that fit which he ate the tag from while throwing a tantrum which involved him using the lap belt of his stroller as leverage to catapult his head toward his feet while shrieking at the clerk like a terrified teenage girl.

As for the paper and envelopes, after trying to find a store similar to the Paper Source (FYI - Paper Source and Home Depot are my ideas of big box heaven), I had to go with the store that looked like a winner based on my stealthy internet research. Not so. By the time we got to the store, the LG had pulled off his shoes and I was all out of energy to put them back on. He stole my keys as I put him in the stroller, and by the time we left the paper store that sold only stationary (the internet seemed to indicate otherwise), I was grateful that he still had the keys in hand which I had completely forgotten about.

I was able to get the gift for the BK, but without divulging where I was or what I was buying for fear that he will know what I bought, I left the store feeling like an idiot for a particular question I asked.

God willing, I will have more children. The prospects for me getting nearer to a successful shopping endeavor seem bleaker and bleaker. What a great word. BLEAKER. Say it a few times out loud and you might just start laughing like I am. Nothing like laughter to numb the pain of parenting.


JLJ said...

Make sure to tell us what the big surprise is (for BK)! After the 25th of course.

jordan said...

oh, I've experienced many shopping trips just like that. just wait until they're big enough to walk but still don't mind you and don't care if they lose you!

Amy said...

ahhh .... jenn daines! so great to catch up on your life. your blog is VERY entertaining... and quite hilarious.

and LG (little guy?) ... is SO CUTE!!!

BK -- burger king?

one last thing: I never ever ever run errands with my kids. seriously, it just doesn't happen. I prefer my errands solo and it will remain that way (until #3 arrives.. then well, you know... repeat of your exhausting day...)