Friday, September 28, 2012

Rooster Turns 3!!!

Okay, so she's almost 4. Well, just about halfway there. She is really a little light of sunshine and makes us all smile and laugh, a lot. She's our little mama and makes sure everyone is in line, as long as it doesn't apply to her ; ) Her birthday breakfast consisted of peanut butter and jelly butterflies with orange juice. She thinks PB&J should be the main course at every meal. 

She insisted on My Little Pony Cake, and we had over a couple of friends. It was pretty low key as we had just moved into our new house, but she was so excited and had a great time. We love you Rooster. Happy 3!!!

Our Smiling Rooster
PB&J Breakfast Delight
Definitely Her Grandma's Girl
My Little Pony Cake
A Few Close Friends
A Bit of Healthy Jealousy

1 comment:

jordan said...

I'm so glad you updated! I especially love the Lake Powell post. You have a way of writing and really got the details down... such a fun and crazy trip! Looking forward to seeing you soon!!