Thursday, November 1, 2007

Moving On

So, after 2 years of wishing we were moving West, our dreams have come true. I seem to have "Be Careful What You Wish For, Cause You Just Might Get It All" ringing in my head. The rumors are true. We are moving to PORTLAND (OR)!!! In all the rush and craziness, I have been a bit overwhelmed by thoughts of how much I will miss our lives here. I have to keep reminding myself of the things I won't miss...and believe me, if I could come up with a sarcastic comment here, I would. Ultimately, it is a lifestyle choice. We have decided that rather than live with all of the self-interested, interesting, diverse, educated politicos, we would rather live with the overzealous tree-hugging hippies of the great Northwest. Any tips on how to survive will be much appreciated.

Seriously, we are indeed excited about our newest adventure. We plan on doing the modern day exodus thing with the 22 foot moving truck and car in tote with my handsome moses at the helm. I, of course, will be flying first class with the baby. No one said it would be easy.

Perhaps even more exciting is that the LG will soon be turning 1!!! Amazing that so far, we have all made it, barring a few bumps and bruises (3 of which he got today). Considering his super strength, we felt that Bambam (with our neighbor, aka Pebbles, as cohort) was an appropriate get up for Halloween.

Here you can see him losing a battle for the prehistoric bone. Pebbles just happens to be his best friend, and although she is much smaller in comparison, she is much stronger in temperament. The LG doesn't win many of these battles, although I maintain that if he really wanted to, he could use some of his sweet ninja moves to steal his toys back and show her what he is made of.


jordan said...

so I really do feel like we'll be neighbors even though you'll be 15(?) hours away. hey, it's drivable.
Jackson's costume is so fitting, he's adorable.
and by the way, I'm tagging you. go to my blog for the low down.

JLJ said...

ok, I guess I should have checked your blog before I wrote my excited email. I've got a good recipe for homemade granola... you'll need it :)

brooke said...

i like jacksons costume. i am jealous of your move to the west, minus the uhaul part.

Ronna Daines said...

Our LG is so cute as Bam Bam as is his little friend, Pebbles. I think he is going to miss her when you leave. But we are so excited to get you all closer to home.