Wednesday, June 24, 2009


We were greeted in Logan by some folklore about a raccoon that was living in the attic of my parents' home. My brother and his wife were positive that there had been a raccoon running around up there before they left to come out to Portland and help us move. So, getting rid of said critter was on the top of our to do list when arriving here. One of the first mornings we were here, I was downstairs nursing the baby around 5:45 am when I heard it walking around. I knew the BK and LG were still in bed, and I was pretty sure there was no how no way my brother or his wife were out of bed at that hour. After confirming with my brother that he and his wife were both sleeping soundly we called Logan animal control only to be told that they were out of traps. Huh? Don't get the BK started on the conspiracy theory he conjured up for this one which involves a scheme by a salaried city employee to make a couple $$ on the side by referring us to his friend. Whatever.

The next day my brother was outside cleaning up the patio when he smelled an awful smell that he was sure belonged to the now dead raccoon. The raccoon died from being locked in there for a week when my brother was in Portland. At least that was the going theory.

The next morning around 3am, my brother's wife heard their bedroom door creak open and four little feet scamper to the side of the bed where she was sleeping and rustle among the pillows. I can only imagine the actual pandemonium caused by the raccoon at this point as she smacked my brother into consciousness while whisper-screaming that the raccoon had infiltrated the house. My brother jumped into action only to discover the LG sleeping soundly among the pillows on the floor. Apparently he was doing a bit of sleep walking around Gmas house. I hear that the stink face made by the LG when a somewhat unfamiliar face awakened him to take him back to bed was scary enough to qualify him as some type of critter.

Poor raccoon that never was. It turned out that the dead animal stench was from a dead squirrel that the BK had placed in a bag and left to bake in the sun until someone told him it was okay to toss it in the trash. The critter running around at 6am when I was nursing turned out to be my sister-in-law, who sneaked out to grab a glass of water without my brother knowing. Goes to show you should always go to the source.

You would think we had learned our lesson, but the next day it was pouring and the ceiling started to leak (and I thought I was done with fixer-uppers when I left Portland). We wanted to go into the attic to check out the leak without getting drenched on the roof. The BK was sure he heard the raccoon which resulted in him shrieking like a school girl (bless his heart), and required me to take matters into my own hands and crawl up to the attic armed with a hard hat and flashlight. I ended up scampering down as well at the first strange noise. An exterminator was beckoned and showed up reeking of vodka 45 minutes later (in his defense, it was a Saturday night, and he did show up pretty quickly) only to confirm what we really should have known all along - when in doubt, assume the critter is a tiny squirrel, not a carnivorous, baby eating, raccoon. You should be reassured, however, that the exterminator assured us that he was willing to "grab that coon by the neck, if I need to - I've done it before!" Thanks exterminator man, good to know.

As you can see from the pic below, the squirrels have been working on building a compound in the attic for some time. Can't wait to get started cleaning up this mess. Yup, that's a golf bag filled with walnuts. And yes, those are empty milk cartons that my dad was apparently planning on saving until the second coming.


brooke said...

our adventures, well put.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, that sounds like you guys did have some adventures :). You know, I'm pretty sure we heard that squirrel a time or two. But that is classic that the LG found his way over to mike and brooke's room :). Don't you just love living in someone else's home?

Ronna & Dave said...

So glad the 200 pd. racoon turned out to be squirrels. Loved your hillarious account... Thanks for taking care of the "homefront" for us.

Creighton said...

Jenn I named that critter Mr. Whiskers. I told Melissa we couldn't kill him because he was just some nice grandpa squirrel with overalls and a straw hat.

Jaime said...

oh way too funny. Glad you got your critter under control.

We miss you guys! We went to Inflatable Kingdom yesterday & Truman thought we were meeting you guys there, & missed his buddy terribly.

I hope all is going well for you & that you're adjusting to your life in Logan.

Chambers Clan said...

I laughed sooo hard! When we stayed the night, we found a dead mouse in the bathtub...Now Brooklyn looks in all of her grandma's bathtubs and asks "where's mouse?" She has a fascination with mice in stories and has me draw them on all the coloring books we own:) Sorry it was so chaotic at the park the other day. I swear I am just a pawn in my children's lives to be tossed wherever they please! One day it would be fun to actually sit and visit with you guys:)