Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I just erased my original post about this which bored me to tears. In a nutshell, I crossed the finish line. Not last. That was sort of my goal for getting into this. I didn't drown, fall off my bike, or have to walk. I can even say that it was actually fun. I did put my wetsuit on backward (and kept wondering out loud to more than one person why I felt like it was choking me and was so stinking hard to get on - I finally figured it out at the beach and had to change), take my ankle/timing band off with my wetsuit, forget my gloves, had to go back to the staging area to retrieve both items, but did manage to pass my very slim cousin on the bike (in full disclosure she flew back by me on the run). All in all, however, it was a great experience, and I will definitely try for another. I will probably never win a trophy, but it was just nice to know that I didn't need an ambulance to take me home either.

I bought this cheap but pretty sweet bike on Bikes Direct It rides really nicely and I love it.

I also wanted to do this to lose some "baby weight", eh, from the TP. I exercised at least 5 days a week for 3+ months, and I still weigh only about 5 lbs less than when I walked out of the hospital. It's all muscle gain, right? Right.


Vixie said...

Good job, you look awesome!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous aka jmd

jordan said...

Way to go Jenn!
I'm glad it was fun. That's most important. Let me know when your next one is and I'll join you. Your bike is awesome.

daisy said...

That is so awesome! Did you love it?

meg said...

Nice job Jen! I wish I could have been there to race with everyone but I heard you all had a great time. I think Darci's pride might have been hurt a bit but other then that :)

JLJ said...

Excellent work. Hmmmm, let's see where I was four months after giving birth.... that's right, barely making it to the end of the block.