Monday, November 2, 2009

Be Sure to Check Your Smoke Alarms

I am kind of a Halloween scrooge. It is about as much as I can do every year just to get my kids in a costume. It's just not my thing. However, this year I must say that I was inspired and excited to create a costume for the LG out of duct tape. Oh yes, my friends, my father would be proud. The LG was a fireman (this costume also required a quick stop by the local firehouse which is always a treat, ahhh firemen - I don't have to say fire people in this instance because it is not the female variety that makes me say ahhh). Coat is made out of duct tape, electricians tape and a garbage bag. It is pretty sweet if I do say so myself. And I do. The TP was an adorable, store-bought, hand-me-down flower.

Sorry for the quality of the pics but our real camera is on the outs thanks to a run-in with my foot, the ground and a toddler. I suppose I should be grateful that telephones now profess to take pictures. As you can see from the quality of the pics, however, I am pretty skeptical.

Also, you may notice that one of our pumpkins looks like a butt crack. Unintentional art is sometime the very best kind of art. Then again, the LG may have fully intended this result when he tossed the pumpkin out of the car onto the cement.


Jaime said...

ahhh so cute. Great pics. Truman was a fireman too. Darn it that we don't live closer, they would have been cute going up to the door together. I wasn't as creative as you though in making the costume.

Mandy said...

Look at you Mrs. Crafty-pants. Thomas' firefighter costume was really just a raincoat . . . not nearly as cool as the LG's.
Love the butt-crack.

Jami said...

I am SOOO impressed!!! Who knew duct tape would come in so handy!

LeeAnne said...

Awsome fireman! Pretty crafty, I must say. TP is darling :)

Chambers Clan said...

I love the hand-me-downs. And just wait until they have more opinions. Braden didn't decide until the week of. Unfortunately they don't sell "Ronald McDonald" costumes at the store, so it forces you to be creative. I'm glad we were both able to use duct tape for the costumes. It really does come in handy huh?

jordan said...

Very clever with the fireman suit! I guess you guys know a thing or two about fashioning suits with garbage bags... and the little flower is one of the cutest costumes ever!

JLJ said...

Forget learning to sew! All you need is a little (or a lot) of tape!