Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Daytime Television and other random thoughts

I can't believe I am sitting here watching the old (or otherwise physically challenged) exercise segment on PBS. The lovely host is currently barely moving to some swinging western tunes. Makes me want to go run a few miles and do some yoga in hopes that I never have to take this segment seriously. Seriously. It's snowing in San Antonio. Things are looking up. Those statements aren't really linked to each other.

I love the olympics, but I have also reached my limit. Even the skiers are starting to look like ice dancers. I've got to get out of the house. We are considering ditching our cable all together and watching the few shows we care about on the internet. Am I crazy, or just beginning to be sane. Our dilemma? The world cup. I must watch the world cup, and not on my laptop. Anyone know how I can hook up my new MAC (yup, just made the switch- and am sometimes loving it, sometimes kicking myself in the pants since I don't really know how to use it) to my ancient TV?

As you can imagine, this mid-day blogging is accompanied by my looking the other way as the LG pulls things off our mantle, climbs all over me and the furniture, and whacks me with a balloon. I better go do something productive.


Mandy said...

I'm over cable. We've gotten by for years with the bare bones $8 a month package and have rarely wanted for more.
At least the LG only has a balloon, Thomas is trying to get my attention with a die-cast car. Ouch.

Chambers Clan said...

I'm so excited, we signed up for netflix and I'm already loving it! We only have an antennae on top of the house, but it's been a worthy investment for free tv (qubo - kids tv plays all day long!) Don't you love being a jungle gym. Bedtime stories are the best. The kids climb behind me and "play" or should I say tug on my hair. I can't believe it's snowing down there. It only did one day out of the 13 years we lived there! I'm sure the hotter days will come:)

Amy said...

blogging is productive. it is. right???

I say keep the cable. I would go crazy without it. if you do decide to ditch it I could totally VHS tape the world cup and overnight it to you. I would -- true story.

Melanie said...

Your boy sounds like a handful. But I'm sure he brings so much joy to your life too! What a crazy move you guys had. Sorry about your airline tickets. I have made that mistake before and it was a costly mistake. I guess double and triple checking is a necessity when airline tickets are involved. I bet you guys are glad to be there. Hopefuly your neighbors will start to enjoy all the bumps and shaking coming from upstairs. :)

AdAmy said...

Looks like you had quite the moving experience. At least it gives you something to talk about, right?... memories! :) I hope all is well. Thank you so much for the baby gift for little Harper. So thoughtful and so cute!