Friday, February 29, 2008


So I just left a Mexican restaurant. My leftovers are still on the table. I only box 'em up if they are likely be tasty the next day, which requires that they were tasty when I ate 'em, and that they will survive at least one night in the refrigerator without turning to mush. I think that every time I box 'em there is at least a 50% chance I will make it home without a second thought that they ever existed. Of course, the second I walk in the door empty handed, their absence is as painful as an empty stomach.


Chambers Clan said...

We love going to Chuck-A-Rama. I always think of you :) But the bad thing is that we can't bring anything home. I have had such bad luck with leftovers, so now I have scheduled a "Leftover" night each week and we eat whatever we can find.

MegaPPod said...

I am not sure how I feel about being remembered for my stint at Up-Chuck-A-Rama.

jordan said...

that's a pet peeve of mine. I HATE leaving my leftovers behind.

Jami said...

That's my justification for going out to eat. I ALWAYS bring home leftovers because then I have an instant meal for the next night. That's why Olive Garden is still one of my favorites. I stuff myself with bread and salad and by the time my meal comes I can pretty much pack it in a box and whala! A TWO FOR ONE SPECIAL:) Sorry you won't be able to enjoy your leftovers :(

Jaime said...

I hate it when I forget my left overs, so I can understand how you must have felt. Once you pack up the kid, and all the gear, it's easy to forget one more thing, your meal.

Mandy said...

Man, I saw the title and thought it might be about our soccer team. Your blog reading populace should know that without you, our Leftovers would be lost. Now your dinner is a metaphor for our team.

MegaPPod said...

I thought about that when I posted. I think the Leftovers deserve their own space, but don't hold your breath. I am out of wit, so it might have to wait.