Thursday, December 11, 2008


We had an amazing Thanksgiving here in Portland with my brother and his adorable family. We went to the Oregon Coast, did the tour of Downtown, drove up to Mt. Hood, watched movies, and ate, ate, ate. It was my first time being in charge of the food, and thanks to a lot of help from my sister-in-law, it all turned out beautifully. I highly recommend "brining" your turkey ladies (and ambitious men). I finally figured out the problem with my pictures, and wanted to do justice to my sister-in-law's mad photography skills.

Here we all are downtown. We rode the train, did some Black Friday shopping, and my brother's youngest even joined in a Black Friday protest by doing some Tai Chi.

Although the coast was a bit wet, it wasn't too cold which was nice. The kids had a great time running around, some getting soaked by the tide, and playing in the sand. No swimming this time, maybe in August. Wait, this is Oregon, who am I kidding.


jordan said...

tons and tons of fun!

JLJ said...

The turkey does look perfect. And your bangs are very cute! Have you had bangs for long? Or do they seem new to me because it's been so long since you posted.... ha ha . That was supposed to sound kindly sarcastic. Hope that came across right. :)

Jaime said...

looks like so much fun. You are a talented chef, that turkey looks mouth-watering delicious.

Unknown said...

Thanks again for having us. It was completely enjoyable.

Anonymous said...

What great updates! I've missed your posts. Your son is just so darn cute! i actually have a great pic of him from our wedding i'll have to send to you. Can't wait for the next update!