Monday, May 24, 2010

Fa What?

I was reading a friend's blog, and was cracking up at an outburst her son had during church. It reminded me of nice little episode we had last year when we were still in Portland that I don't think I posted. Keep in mind this is a retro post and the LG was only 2 at the time. The LG needed his diaper changed right as the first meeting at church started. After cleaning him up, he was being very reluctant about returning to the quiet and sit still he usually endures (rather poorly). I tried encouraging him by suggesting we get back in there so we could find Gina - one of his very favorite adults, and one of our favorite friends. This seemed to do the trick and he cheerfully held my hand as we walked through the door and started down the isle as he started chirping, "Fa Gina", "Fa Gina". Except that instead of it sounding like "geena", it sounded like "jina". Fagina indeed.


JLJ said...

That is awesome. Spouse is going to bust a gut when I read this to him.

Mandy said...
