Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Blue Skies

Not really sure what the title has to do with anything, but it's a BOY! We are very excited that the LG will have a little brother. He was particularly excited to see the ultrasound picture of the penis. He couldn't stop laughing then, still can't stop laughing now anytime he thinks about it. His laughter is contagious and now we all laugh anytime we think of it.

Sunday the LG was laying around, clearly very bored as he said, "Mom, this house is too small, there isn't anywhere to run around." Yeah well, tell that to the powers that be I think to myself. Maybe the lottery could rain down from the blue skies directly into my chimney.

I hate cheerful pregnant people. They make me more cranky. Just to confirm my crankiness, here's a list of all the things I have NO interest in doing while I'm pregnant:

1 -Cooking
2 - Getting out of bed
3 - Cleaning
4 - Eating (I'm still hoping this passes soon, but so far I'm outta luck)
5 - Changing diapers
6 - Going anywhere
7 - Doing anything
8 - Talking to anyone

Seriously, it would just be better for everyone, including all of you - who by now may think I need professional help, if I just went into confinement for 9 months.

I would show pictures of something, but using my camera is on the list under "doing anything". If you can't stand grumpy pregnant people, you probably shouldn't check back until late March.


Mandy said...

May I please copy your cranky lady pregnant list and paste it onto my blog? I'd come up with my own, but I think that would fall into the category of doing something.

MegaPPod said...

Mandy - feel free to use whatever, and do as little as possible! I think I would be twice as cranky if I were in your shoes ; )

JLJ said...

Yay for little boys! I love your cranky list. Sadly, I'm not pregnant and I have no interest in doing 6 of those 8 things. Boy, do I wish I wasn't interested in eating.

Jami said...

Oh come on. Where is that pregnancy glow??? You know that glow that comes right after you puke up everything you ate in the last few hours. Or that glow that comes from your morning fresh face after you woke up every hour on the hour to pee.

Seriously. Can't imagine why you're so grumpy. Geez!

Anonymous said...

Miss you Jen! ;) Would call you back but now I am afraid to!!! haha. We can't wait to see you in Nov .... Love, Steph, Ramon, Maya, and Sofie

Jaime said...

Congratulations! So happy for you guys. The LG will be a great big brother, well I'm sure he already is, but it will be fun for him to have a brother around.

I love your list. I'd like to add that I could do without the swollen ankles. I have barely 10 weeks left, can't believe it's nearing to an end, and also can't believe it will be here so soon.

I hope you start feeling like eating soon, because that has got to be one bonus to this whole pregnancy thing. :)

brooke said...

we had our fingers crossed for a boy. Nixon says he can't wait to have a cousin friend to get into trouble with.

LeeAnne said...

i love grumpy pregnant people! i'm pretty sure i was one of them during my last pregnancy ;) and i'm excited for you to have another boy! bring on the chaos!! :D