Thursday, January 24, 2008

Simple Pleasures

It is freezing here, probably as cold as it gets (not that it really compares to temperatures in northern UT where I grew up), and I am happily enjoying my new soft wool socks from Ann Taylor. I am dedicating the following list of some of my favorite things to my socks, who make it to #1 on my list today.

1 - Soft gray wool socks (must be a blend of some sort) from Ann Taylor. (Note 1/25: they are actually cashmere which explains why they don't itch - BTW, I am wearing the same pair againg today)

2 - My mother's chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. I can eat a whole batch in one evening which is why I hardly ever make them.

3 - Apple Lavendar bath salt scrub from Sabon ( and a hot bath. Best salt scrub on earth. It smells so good for a really long time and makes my skin so soft.

4 - A few minutes of quiet time in the morning before the madness begins.

5 - My new hoodie that my brother and sister-in-law gave me for Christmas. I was skeptical at first, but Portland is a great place to break it in, and now I can't take it off.

6 - Eating out. The BK, LG & I used to eat out frequently so this wouldn't have made it on the list before the move, but now that I am mostly home, I cook most nights. Last night we had wood-fired pizza, and no dishes to clean up.

7 - Airplane rides alone. I LOVE flying alone. I can read or sleep (I usually get in a heavy dose of both), and I feel so relaxed the second I get on the plane. Having the LG on my lap, now that's a very different story.

8 - Soccer. I haven't yet found an old ladies club out here in Portland, but I am sure they exist, I just need to exert myself into finding some people to play with.

9 - A good book (for this one, please leave a comment listing your favorite book - I need some help with creating a new reading list for 2008).

10 - Law and Order.


Chambers Clan said...

I'm getting addicted to blogs Jenn! As far as books go: I'm probably not as into intelligent books, but I love Shannon Hale, Clair Poulson, Betsy Brannon Green, and the local Josi Kilpack - she lives in Willard - for my non-threatening LDS fiction...Richard Paul Evans, and Gregory Maguire (Wicked, and Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister) for interesting or feel-good. Right now it's Mary Higgins Clark! I think one of my all-time favorites was Count of Monte Cristo. As you can tell I love the library, and reading is my escape from housework!!

Brooke said...

Some of my favorite books, in no particular order:
_The History of Love_ by Nicole Krauss, _The Red Tent_ by Anita Diamant, _An Invisible Sign of My Own_ by Aimee Bender, _My Name is Asher Lev_ by Chiam Potok, _The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy_ by Douglas Adams, _Straight Man_ by Richard Russo, _Out of the Dust_ by Karen Hesse

You've probably read some of these, but the ones you haven't are definitely ones you SHOULD.

I'm with you on #8. Too bad we don't live in the same city.

BigEd said...

Judging by your reading list Brooke (I have already read 2 of them) I think we are on the same pg, and yes, it is too bad we don't live in the same city.

jordan said...

great simple pleasures. a nice pair of wool sock would be good right now. it's pretty cold here in CA. hopefully it warms up before you get here.
as for books, let me know what you find out. i need to redeem myself after reading about vampires.

JLJ said...

My reading has been so sparse lately. I've recently read My Grandfather's Son, Clarence Thomas' memoir. It's pretty fascinating regardless of your politics. I've always thought of Supreme Court Justices as very special people - hand picked out of thousands of honorable people - almost godly. Not that CT is the total opposite. It's a good book.

I also just reread One Of Ours by Willa Cather. I love Willa Cather. The first time I read it we weren't in the middle (hopefully at the end) of a war, so my perspective was so different this time. My favorite author of all time, who is much like Willa Cather, is Wallace Stegner. You've probably read Angle of Repose, but All the Little Live Things, is another beautiful story.

Anne said...

Best book I read last year was 'The Master and Margarita' by Bulgakov. Wikipedia the book... it has an extensive page there.

Anne said...

Ohhh and I think a book that every parent (and every teenager) should read is 'Unprotected.' It has an agenda and a political slant but I can guarantee that you'll learn stuff you didn't know, that you should know, and you won't be happy about it. I've pushed it on several people and they've thanked me for it.

Chris said...

Have you read Freakonomics? It is very interesting, drawing conclusions and making connections where you thought none were possible. How are realtors like the KKK? How are drug dealers like professional sports players? There is a whole chapter on names. Give it a try.