Friday, December 21, 2007

Flip Flopping

Happy Holidays everyone. I have been too wrapped up in the craziness of my family and the holidays to sit still for a few minutes to blog. As is always the case when I get together with my brothers, politics, the art of design, and religion seem to be the topics of discussion. So I have politics on my mind, and have a particular gripe to pick with the media and perceived public perception of "Flip Floppers". [Just an FYI for those only interested in the LG - stop reading now, there are no pictures, there are no cute anecdotes to follow - just politics.]

Let me explain. Flip Floppers - politicians that change their minds - seem to take a lot of criticism for altering opinions on topics or issues. Before I go further, please note that this is certainly no endorsement of any particular candidate or party as I myself am a perpetual Flip Flopper and refuse to entertain seriously any presidential considerations this far from the election date. If I understand the political process in this country (and clearly I think I do), it is the responsibility of a good representative of the people to "represent the people" and to make good decisions based not only on what that representative personally believes, but based on what her/his constituents believe. Take me for example - a Flip Flopper on some issues. What if a constituent base is solely comprised of people like me who change their minds - frequently? Is it so unreasonable that a politician would have a similar change of heart?

Rather than blather on too much about this, let me just say, that I personally believe it is worse to stick to your guns no matter what, even if you are wrong. I realize that politicians are supposed to stand for something, but being capable of making good decisions doesn't mean that you are always right, it just means you make good choices based on the information you have in front of you at the time. Times change, and so does information. Having the personal stamina to change one's mind, and admit failure or change course is much more difficult than the alternative. Cowboys or Flip Floppers? Tough choices these days.

1 comment:

JLJ said...

i totally agree. Who cares how you got there? At least you're there. And who hasn't flip-flopped about certain things in their lifetime? Seriously. The problem is when you're constantly changing or changing to please the current crowd. Anyway, I'd rather have a flip-flopper than a home-schooled bible zealot or a coat-tail riding schemer.

I love those political family discussions.