Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The LG Survives!

In all of the hubub of us treking through the US, you may think that I forgot the LG's birthday. Not so! In fact, I was insane enough to have a small party for him the day before the moving truck arrived. Now, I must say, that throwing a birthday party for a one year old requires some creativity, and I had run all out of both creativity and time. I didn't hire a giant size Elmo, there were no ponies or clowns, and I didn't rent out Disneyland. I was most interested in having a celebration of survival - that includes papa, mama and baba. All in all, however, the LG didn't seem to mind that we had chili and no particular theme. Thankfully, my friends and family were too polite to comment. As you can see below, we put him in his birthday suit, gave him a piece of chocolate cake and told him to go at it.

I am becoming addicted to lists, which could be dangerous, and requires a lot of scrolling. Nonetheless, here is my shortlist of favorite LG moments from the first year and a few of my favorite pictures:

1. First Moment I Saw Him. I will never forget the large birthmark on his leg, and was thankful that I couldn't possibly confuse him with the other alien look-alikes in the newbie ward.

2. Naked Baby Body. No particular moment, just anytime that disproportionate ball of blubber and energy decides to run for the hills with his bare fanny bouncing and his squishable tummy protruding.

3. Goose Noises. When he was very little, he would make these funny noises that sounded like a flock of geese.

4. Hysterics. Sometimes, for no apparent reason, he just starts laughing. This is not giggling, or chuckling, but all out laughter, like the kind of laughter that requires a diaper change even for adults. Once this was brought on by Dad sneezing, but has not since been replicated with any similar success.

5. Pincher Fingers. When he first started to pick things up, I would laugh hysterically. His hands are like clubs, and it looked (and still looks) like two little sausages trying to smother a cheerio.

6. Things He Likes. I don't know why but I find it fascinating that he likes things - anything. Already he is his own little self and I love it. He loves bananas, eating, bottles, Gertrudis, his BFF, dancing, hide and seek, remote controls, and hearing his own voice.






1 comment:

Matt D said...

Happy Birthday Jackson. It's funny, sometimes I think he looks more like me as a little one than my own son. He looks like a mix of me, Mike and John. Anyway, tell Jackson happy birthday and we'll see you in Logan soon.