Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone. We are having a WONDERFUL time here in Utah where there is plenty of fresh snow, family and nothing to do. The LG learned how to crawl down stairs, which I am tremendously grateful for considering that his first instinct - which he followed 3 times - was to take the walk of faith of the top stair. Fortunately, and by the grace of God, helping hands were always there to catch him, and now he is quite adept at sliding down he staircase on his bulbous belly.

It has been an interesting Christmas, including a funeral, hospitalizations and other various calamities. However, it has made us all even more grateful for the things we do have. The LG is having a great time with his cousins. The BK had the brilliant idea to get us some snowshoes so we can take advantage of the great outdoors in our new city. And my dad was able to come home today after spending much of the past week in and out of the hospital for back surgery.

Christmas is a strange time now that I have the LG. It seems you walk a VERY fine line between having a good time, and teaching your kids what is really important. It took some serious coaxing out of my nephew, who will be turning 4 this week, to mention Jesus when asked about the true meaning of Christmas. Santa is, of course, much more exciting to a 4 year old considering that he brings presents. Then again, the look on his face this morning when he saw his presents was pretty exciting to me. Maybe it is what you teach them the other 364 days of the year that will help a bit as they get older.



Jaime said...

Merry Christmas to you too! I look forward to catching up with you.

JLJ said...

Back surgery is rough. Your poor dad. Enjoy the snow!